giving a voice to the voiceless

Welcome to my blog!  As you’ve probably ascertained, this site is dedicated to animals because, let’s face it, animals are way cooler than people. Animals don’t wage religious wars, they won’t tell lies to get you into bed, they don’t drive minivans, and they certainly never would dream of buying a Justin Bieber CD.


This Beluga may look like he’s smiling, but he’s really crying on the inside.

But in spite of all that convincing evidence to the awesomeness of animals, people still act as if they are somehow better than the rest of our earthly companions.  Why?  Just because we have the ability to speak?  To get jobs and drive minivans and write blogs about ridiculous topics?  I agree that this definitely separates us from our furry/scaly/feathery friends, but I fail to see how it gives us any more right to be here than them.  Or why some people think this makes it ok to use animals for our own personal gain or entertainment. Unfortunately, because animals lack the ability to spew word vomit speak up for themselves, horrible humans everywhere are free to harm them and exploit them…  UNTIL, the kindhearted minority of humans that actually respect animals and their extreme awesomeness take a stand and give a voice to the voiceless.

So, that is about it.  I may at times get on a soapbox about why you shouldn’t eat meat, wear fur or buy dogs from pet stores, but it is only to try to educate people about the horrors some animals face and to try to end the cruelty once and for all.  But I will also tell funny stories about my 4 goofy fur babies (stay tuned for adorable photos), as well as share some heartwarming news from the animal kingdom and ways you can help animals in need.

And remember, life is short – go play with your dog! (or cat, or horse, or chicken, or…)